Cutting, spreading, pulling and squeezing – Lukas SC 557 User Manual

Page 16

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7. Cutting, spreading, pulling and squeezing

7.1 Safety notes

Before rescue works can commence, the position of the obstacle must be stabilised. You
must ensure an adequate substructure and / or adequate support of the object. World-wide,
safety guidelines pertaining to the specifi c country are to be observed and complied with.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, regular safety inspections according to the regulations
of the Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (GUV; connoted ‘Legal accident insurance’) are
In areas at risk of explosion, the equipment can only be used if an explosion has been
prevented by appropriate measures.

The following are to be worn when working with the rescue equipment:
- protective


- safety helmet with visor or protective goggles,
- protective


- and, if necessary, ear protection

Before activating the rescue equipment, always ensure that there is no danger to persons
either involved / uninvolved in the action by the movement of the rescue equipment or by
fl ying fragments. Further avoid unnecessary damage to property belonging to others, objects
not involved by the rescue equipment / fl ying fragments.

Reaching between the blade arms is strictly forbidden!

The particular effect of the force of the rescue equipment during operation could
cause pieces of the vehicle to break off or fl y off, posing a danger to persons.
Those not involved in the rescue operation should therefore keep at a distance
appropriate to the situation

7.2 Cutting

The blades must be positioned at a 90° angle to the object to be cut.

Higher cutting capacities can be achieved by cutting as close as possible to the blade’s pivot





