Getting started using windows, A. using avr studio 4 – Pololu Orangutan USB User Manual

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5. Getting Started Using Windows

After you’ve installed the necessary drivers, the next step is to download and install a compiler. WinAVR, located


, is an open source suite of software development

tools for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers. It includes the GNU GCC compiler for C and C++. Follow
the installation instructions they provide.

WinAVR alone will give you all the tools you need to start programming your Orangutan or 3pi robot, but Atmel
offers AVR Studio 4, a free integrated development environment that works with the GCC C/C++ compiler. AVR
Studio 4 includes a simulator and other useful tools, and supports the AVR ISP protocol used by the Orangutan
USB programmer. You can

download AVR Studio 4


from Atmel’s

website. Follow Atmel’s installation instructions. Note that newer versions of AVR Studio 4 might not work with
older versions of WinAVR, so we recommend you upgrade to the newest version WinAVR every time you get a
new version of AVR Studio 4.

The Orangutan USB Programmer is not compatible with the newer AVR Studio 5 or Atmel Studio,
but the newer

Pololu USB AVR Programmer



5.a. Using AVR Studio 4

Here we will show you step by step how to use AVR Studio 4 to make the red user LED blink on your Orangutan,
Orangutan SV-168, Orangutan SV-328, Orangutan LV-168, Baby Orangutan, or 3pi robot. Please note that this
program will not work on the Orangutan X2. If you want to skip the steps that set up the LED-blinker code and
jump straight into using your Orangutan USB programmer, you can download the AVR Studio project these steps
would help you create and proceed straight to step 4.

• mega48:


(9k zip)

• mega168:


(9k zip)

• mega328:


(9k zip)

1. Open AVR Studio and click New Project. Select AVR GCC for the project type. We called our
project “BlinkLED” and elected to have a folder called “C:\BlinkLED” created containing the blank file
“BlinkLED.c”. Click Next >>. DO NOT click “Finish” yet. If you do accidentally click “Finish”, you will
not be able to perform step 2 and will instead have to set the device by going to the “Project” menu and
selecting “Configuration Options”.

Pololu Orangutan USB Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2011 Pololu Corporation

5. Getting Started Using Windows

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