Bio-Rad Immun-Blot® AP Colorimetric Kits User Manual

Page 12

background image


Probable cause

Recommended solution

Transfer of protein onto the
membrane was incomplete. Stain
the gel to assure transfer of
protein. Use prestained standards
to monitor transfer efficiency.
Consult the Trans-Blot, Trans-Blot
SD, or Mini Trans-Blot manual for
proper electrophoretic transfer
procedures. Refer to the Bio-Dot
or Bio-Dot SF manual for proper
dot blotting procedures.

First antibody

Loss of activity may have oc-

is not specific

curred during electrophoretic

or does not rec-

transfer. Pre-test the reactivi-

ognize denat-

ty of the antibody against

ured antigens

both native and denatured

(common with

antigen by a dot blot. Refer


to the Trans-Blot manual for the
transfer of native antigens.

Antigen is too

Increase the amount of anti-


gen in the assay.

2. High back-

Blocking is

Increase the blocking step to

ground (refer


60 minutes.

to experimen-
tal strategy

Gelatin block-

Prepare and use fresh block-


ing solution is

ing solution.



Remove the membrane when

is left in the

the reaction appears to be

color develop-

complete. If precipitate in

ment solution

the color development

too long.

solution appears, decant the
solution and use fresh reagent.



Probable cause

Recommended solution

Tween-20 may affect the
reactivity of some antibodies.
Eliminate Tween-20 from the
assay (except the wash and after

Conjugate is

Conjugate is improperly stored.

inactive (see

Store at 4 °C. Avoid heat inac-

Section 3.1).

tivation. Do not sub-ject to
repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

The concentration of conjugate is
non-saturating. Increase the
conjugate concentration used in
the assay.

Conjugate may be contaminated,
causing inactivation of the
antibody (of Protein A or Protein
G) or the enzyme.

Tap water may cause inactivation.
Use only distilled, deionized

Azide is a potent inhibitor of
horseradish peroxidase. Use
thimerosal as a bacteriostat.

Little or no

Tween-20 may wash bound

antigen is

antigen from the membrane.

bound to the

Eliminate Tween-20 from the


assay (except the wash after


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