Restarting multipathing – Dell Acceleration Appliances for Databases User Manual

Page 57

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3. Restart


as indicated on the first line.

# copy this file to /etc/multipath.conf and restart multipathd

defaults {
user_friendly_names yes
queue_without_daemon no

devices {
device {
vendor "FUSIONIO"
features "0"
hardware_handler "1 alua"
path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
path_selector "queue-length 0"
failback immediate
path_checker tur
prio alua
no_path_retry 3

# Uncomment if using FC. Do not use for SRP and iSCSI
#fast_io_fail_tmo 15
#dev_loss_tmo 60

Restarting Multipathing

If your multipath configuration changes, you may need to restart multipathing, as in this example:

# multipathd -k
multipathd> reconfigure
multipathd> show config
multipathd> exit

When using the show config command, you will need to search through the output and make sure it
matches what was entered in



If the restart is not successful, you can try the following commands:

# multipath -F

# service multipathd stop

# service multipathd start

// confirm the new settings are used for existing multipath devices

# multipath –ll

