Dell PowerVault DL2200 User Manual

Page 6

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Figure 2: Supported Exchange Platforms for Exchange Mailbox Archiving

The PowerVault DL Backup to Disk Appliance and the Microsoft Exchange Server must have several additional
components installed and configured to enable Exchange Mailbox Archiving. These components are detailed below:


Microsoft Outlook 2007 or higher must be installed on the media server before you install the Archiving

Option. When you install Outlook on the media server, you must create a profile and connect to an
Exchange Server mailbox.


The Exchange Server backups must have the Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) option enabled.


Exchange Server backups must be on one of the following devices:

 A Virtual Disk
 Deduplication Storage Folder
 Non-removable backup-to-disk folder


Archive jobs must have a valid path configured on an NTFS volume that is local to the media server for

temporary storage of data. The default path is set to use C:\temp.


A specific mailbox for use by the Archive Option (sometimes referred to as a ‘system’ mailbox) must be

configured for exclusive use by Backup Exec on each Exchange Server on which you want to select
mailboxes for archiving. Whenever you create an archive job for the Exchange Mailbox Archiving Option
you are prompted to enter the name of this ‘system’ mailbox.
The following are restrictions for this mailbox:

This manual is related to the following products: