Intellijel Rubicon User Manual

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Rubicon Manual 

Version 1 

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base frequency, and in the centre the VCO stops oscillating (zero frequency). If fully CW, then a signal
into TZFM gives conventional Linear FM. Ditto for fully CCW, but the output frequencies are negative
(which simply means that all of the waveforms are backwards -- except the zigzag, strangely enough).
For normal VCO sounds set this at full CW.
NOTE: Symmetry affects 1V/Oct tracking! For the best tracking put SYMMETRY in full CW position.

6 - TZFM knob - Sets the Bias of the TZFM VCA. As the knob is turned CW more of the signal patched
into the TZFM input will modulate the VCO frequency. (Remember, the SYMMETRY setting determines
whether the FM is conventional linear, partially through-zero , or balanced through-zero)

7 - mini knob for TZFM attenuation - This attenuates the audio/cv signal coming into the INDEX input
below. This is the attenuated modulation input for a linear VCA which virtually turns the TZFM knob.
This is the "dynamic" modulation of through-zero FM. In other words, it modulates the modulation. It's
the "adverb" to TZFM's "adjective" so to speak. That's why it is shown as the control input to a VCA on
the panel. The INDEX input is like the CV input of a VCA, and the TZFM knob is like the Bias of that
VCA, where that VCA controls the degree of through-zero (or just linear) FM.

8 - TZFM EXP/LIN switch - Selects the type of FM modulation the TZFM input will be.

This switch determines whether the response of TZFM is linear or exponential. The exponential setting

is not really 1V/oct, and really just gives a more extreme response to the modulation signal

9 - SUB OCT switch - Selects if the SUB output is down one octave or two octaves from the VCO base

A - Input jacks - CV and audio signals are patched into here.

B - Output jacks - As will all Intellijel modules the outputs have filled boxes around them.

C - EXP FM knob - Sets the attenuation of the signal patched into the EXP FM input, modulates the
conventional expo FM circuit (gives 1V/octave response when the attenuator knob is turned fully CW)

D- Pulse Type switch - Centered pulse on the left, edge aligned pulse in the centre, edge aligned
pulse at double the base frequency on the right (centre pulse is what you get when you send the triangle
wave to the pulse comparator, and edge pulse is what you get when you send the sawtooth wave to the
pulse comparator -- they are the same, but they have a different phase relationship to each other, so
they do different things when blended with the other waveforms)

E – PW knob - This knob offsets the pulse width of the Pulse waveform out.

F - mini knob - Attenuates the signal going into the PWM input.

G - RESET switch - Selects whether the HARD sync input will reset the VCO to a rising or falling
