Carburetor adjustments, A, warning, Important – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

Page 57: A warning, 7 hp briggs & stratton, 8 hp kohler, Warning, Maimtikaice and service

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Carburetor adjustments

The carburetor provides the en­

gine’s com bustion cham ber w ith

the correct air-fuel ratio for a w ide

range of operating conditions.

The factory settings should be

correct for average operating condi­

tions and you should avoid m aking

unnecessary adjustm ents. H ow ­

ever, if you feel that an adjustm ent

is needed to com pensate for differ­

ences in fuel, tem perature, altitude

or load, please refer to the follow ­

ing recom m ended adjustm ents.



K eep cigarettes, sparks, and open

flam es aw ay from the carburetor

and fuel system to prevent the pos­

sibility of a fire or explosion.


The carburetor adjusting screw s

are needle valves w hich taper to

critical dim ensions. These screw s

can be dam aged if they are turned

in forcefully.



D o not operate the engine in an

enclosed or poorly ventilated area.

E ngine exhaust gases contain car­

bon m onoxide, an odorless, taste­

less, and deadly poison.

7 HP Briggs & Stratton:

1. W ith the engine stopped, gently

turn the H igh S peed N eedle Valve

and Throttle Idle M ixture V alve

clockw ise until they just close.

The valves m ay be dam aged by

turning them too far. See Figure


2. N ow open H igh Speed N eedle

V alve IV


turns counterclockw ise

and Throttle Idle M ixture V alve one

turn counterclockw ise. This initial

adjustm ent w ill perm it the engine

to be started.

3. S tart engine and allow to w arm

for a few m inutes prior to final

adjustm ent. N O TE : The air cleaner

m ust be assem bled to carburetor

w hen running the engine.


P lace the throttle lever on the

handlebar in the “FA S T” position.

Turn the H igh S peed N eedle V alve

clockw ise until engine slow s (lean

m ixture). Then turn it out past the

sm ooth operation point (rich m ix­

ture). N ow turn the needle valve to

a m idpoint setting betw een rich

and lean.

5. A djust the idle R P M as follow s;

(a) R otate the throttle counter­

clockw ise and hold it against

the Throttle S top w hile adjust­

ing the Throttle Idle S peed

A djusting S crew to obtain 1750

R PM . Turn screw in for faster

idle; out for slow er idle.

(b) W hile still holding throttle

against Throttle Stop, turn

Throttle Idle M ixture V alve in

(lean) and out (rich). S et valve

at m idpoint betw een rich and

lean. R elease throttle. If engine

w ill not accelerate properly, the

carburetor should be read­

justed, usually to a slightly

richer m ixture.

8 HP Kohler:


. W ith the engine stopped, turn

the M ain Fuel and Idle Fuel adjust­

ing screw s clockw ise, until they

bottom lightly (P hoto 6-62).


P relim inary S etting— M ain Fuel

S crew ; Turn the M ain Fuel S crew



full turns from bottom .

3. P relim inary S etting— Idle Fuel

S crew : Turn the Idle Fuel S crew

out 1V


turns from bottom .


Final S etting— M ain Fuel S crew :

P lace the W heels/Tine/P TO D rive

Lever in “N EU TR A L” and start the

engine. Let it run at half-throttle

speed for 5-10 m inutes. M ove the

throttle lever to the “FA S T” posi­

tion and then turn the M ain Fuel

S crew clockw ise until the engine

starts to lose speed (too lean a

m ixture). N ow , count the turns as

you turn the screw counterclock­

w ise until the engine begins to run

unevenly (too rich a m ixture). Turn

the screw clockw ise to a point m id­

w ay betw een the too lean and too

rich m ixtures. That position, or

turning the screw counterclock­


w ise about V


turn m ore, should be

the proper setting for tilling.

5. Final S etting— Idle Fuel S crew :

P lace the W heels/Tine/P TO D rive

Lever in “N EU TR A L” and start the

engine. Let it run at half-throttle

speed for 5-10 m inutes. A llow the

engine speed to fall to idle, or put

the engine throttle in the idle posi­

tion. A djust the Idle Fuel S crew by

follow ing the sam e procedure de­

scribed in S tep 4. The recom ­

m ended idle speed should not

exceed 1500 R PM (R evolutions P er

M inute)f

6. Idle S peed Setting: Place

the W heels/Tine/P TO D rive Lever

in “N EU TR A L” and start the engine.

Let it run at half-throttle for 5-10

m inutes. A llow the engine speed to

fall to idle, or put the engine throt­

tle in the idle position. A djust the

engine idle speed to the desired

R PM * by turning the Idle S peed

S crew clockw ise or counter­

clockw ise. A llow several seconds

betw een each adjustm ent for the

engine to adapt to each new setting.

‘Typical idle speed is 1200 R PM .

6-61: 7 HP Briggs & Stratton Engine



iti .




6-62: 8 HP Kohler Engine carburetor
(air cleaner components removed for
photo clarity).


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