A caution, C. battery removal and replacement, A warning – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

Page 59: Warning, Ailtelalce and service

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2. C lean the battery, if needed. If

the battery is extrem ely cold, allow

it to w arm to betw een 60°F— 80°F.

3. R em ove all filler caps. Leave

saps off w hile filling and charging.

C arefully check the electrolyte

level. If, and only if, the electrolyte

level is low , add distilled or dem in-

sralized w ater (D O N O T U S E B A T­

TER Y A C ID ) to adjust the electro-

yte level to the correct height (see

‘A . B attery care in service” on

page 56 for filling instructions.

^void overfilling.

5. C harge the battery until all of

the cells are gassing freely. (To

sheck for gassing, W E A R SA FETY

B O G G LES and use a flashlight to

bok dow n into each cell w hile the

battery is being charged. W hen

gassing freely, the surface of the

¡quid electrolyte should be covered

[W ith tiny bubbles). U se one of the

follow ing procedures:

[a) R ecom m ended M ethod:

C harge the battery at a rate of

1 to 2 am peres until all cells

are gassing freely. The total

charging tim e should not ex­

ceed 24 hours.

[b) First A lternative:

C harge the battery at a rate of

4 to 6 am peres until all cells

are gassing freely. The total

charging tim e should not ex­

ceed 8 hours.

[c) S econd A lternative:

C harge the battery at a rate of

6 to 12 am peres until all cells

are gassing freely. The total

charging tim e should not ex­

ceed 4 hours.


D o not charge the battery at a rate

higher than 12 am peres. A charge

rate of m ore than 12 am peres

generates excessive heat and gas­

sing and w ill perm anently dam age

the battery.

level in each cell. If necessary, add

distilled or dem ineralized w ater

(D O N O T A D D B A TTER Y A C ID ) to

adjust the electrolyte level to the

correct height. Then reconnect the

charger cables to the battery and

charge the battery for an additional

one hour.

7. R eplace the filler caps and w ash

off any spilled electrolyte w ith a

baking soda and w ater solution.

8. S tore the battery in a cool, dry

place aw ay from heat ducts, radia­

tors, and direct sunlight. A void

freezing tem peratures. A battery

loses voltage in storage, m ore so

in hot w eather than in cold. A n

ideal storage tem perature is 50°F.

C. Battery removal and


To help avoid personal injury, stop

the engine, rem ove the electric

start key, disconnect the spark

plug w ire, and let the engine and

m uffler cool before rem oving or

replacing the battery.

1. D isconnect the negative (-)

cable from the grounding screw

located on the right side of the

battery bracket (“A ” in P hoto 6-64)

and bend the cable safely aw ay

from any m etal parts.

2. D isconnect the negative (-)

cable from the negative battery

post (“B ” in P hoto 6-64) and re­

m ove the cable.

3. D isconnect the positive (+)

cable from the positive battery post

(“C ” in P hoto 6-64) and bend it

safely aw ay from any m etal parts.

C over the cable term inal w ith the

rubber boot.

4. R em ove the battery hold-dow n

clam p and rem ove the battery.

5. R everse the previous steps

w hen replacing the battery. B e very

careful that you place the battery

on the bracket so that its posts are

facing to the rear (tine end) of the

tiller. The positive (+) post m ust be

on the left side as you face for­

w ard from the handlebars.

6. Insert the vent tube (on positive

(+) side of battery) into the vent

tube shield. B e sure that the tube

is not crim ped, pinched, or folded

anyw here along its length.



W hen rem oving the battery, alw ays

disconnect the negative (-) cable

first, follow ed by the positive (+)

cable. R everse this procedure

w hen reinstalling the battery.

B . W hen the battery is fully

charged, turn off the charging

equipm ent and then disconnect

the cables. C heck the electrolyte

6-64: Follow removal and replacement instructions carefully.


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