Troy-bilt, Row marker attachment, Troy-bilt® wrap-around bumper/guard – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

Page 75: Troy-bilt® row marker attachment

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Row Marker Attachment

If you like straight, neat, picture-

perfect row s in your garden, then

you’ll enjoy ow ning a R ow M arker

A ttachm ent— see P hoto 9-3. It

hooks up quickly to the H iller/

Furrow er A ttachm ent and elim in­

ates the need for string, stakes,

and m easuring tape.

N eat, even row s not only m ake

w eeding and harvesting easier,

they also m ake your garden m ore

attractive and allow you to m ake

m axim um use of your available

space. A nd, you’ll appreciate the

straight row s even m ore if you lay

out furrow s, dig com post trenches,

or m ake raised beds.


. J'


9-3: Use Row Marker Attachment for straight, neat rows.

The R ow M arker arm extends

from 28” to 49% ", allow ing you to

vary the w idth betw een row s ac­

cording to the crop you’re planting.

W idth adjustm ent takes only a few

seconds and requires no tools.

TROY-BILT® Wrap-Around Bumper/Guard

The heavy-duty W rap-A round

B um per/G uard com es as an extra

bonus w hen you buy the com plete

D ozer/S now B lade A ttachm ent, or

it can be ordered separately. E ither

w ay, it’s a soiid investm ent in en­

gine protection.

A s show n in Photo 9-4, the

bum per w iil protect the engine

against dam age from all sorts of

blow s (w e’ve tested it under the

w orst conditions to m ake sure it

protects the carburetor and the

blow er housing— and it does). The

w rap-around design encloses and

protects your carburetor against

such m ishaps as bum ping into

trees, fences, posts, garage and

barn doorw ays, stone w alls and

parked vehicles. The cost of re­

placing a carburetor today can be

w ell w orth the protection provided

by the bum per. In addition, the

bum per also protects the engine’s

entire blow er housing including the

recoil starter assem bly.

B esides protecting your tiller

from bum ps and scrapes, the

bum per is also useful as a handy

tie-dow n in a trailer or pickup

truck. A nd, it’s a com fortable,

secure handhold for pulling or lift­

ing the tiller.

The bum per is m ade of one-

inch, high-strength, steel tubing,

w elded for m axim um strength. The

w idth of the bum per is





Installing the bum per is easy

w ith the sim ple step-by-step in­

structions provided— no special

skills needed. A nd, if you decide to

purchase a D ozer/S now B lade

later, w e have a special kit w hich

includes easy-to-follow instruc­

tions for attaching the blade.

9-4: The Bumper/Guard prevents engine damage from accidental mishaps.


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