Troy-bilt® dozer/snow blade attachment, Wheel weights, Troy-bilt® tire chains – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual

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TROY-BILT® Dozer/Snow Blade Attachment

The D ozer/S now B lade is a ver­

satile “hom estead helper”. In the

w inter, the blade w ill m ove a foot

or m ore of light snow , or 6 to 8

inches of heavy, w et snow . A t other

tim es of the year, it can be used for

m oving or spreading sand, gravel,

loose dirt, grain, saw dust, fodder,

m ulches and m anures. It’s also an

ideal tool for m edium -duty land­

scaping, and for backfilling

trenches— especially in tight

quarters w here larger equipm ent

w on’t fit.

A s show n in Photo 9-5, the blade

attaches to the front of the W rap-

A round B um per G uard. W hen the

blade is rem oved, the bum per

guard stays in place, offering pro­

tection to the engine from acciden­

tal bum ps against doors, fences

and trees.

O f course, the tiller and blade is

not a bulldozer m eant to cut into

unbroken soil or push very heavy

9-5: The Dozer/Snow Blade Attachment includes the Wrap-Around
Bumper Guard.

loads ... but it’s a great investm ent

at a very reasonable price! Y ou

can set the blade at any one of five

positions: straight ahead or at

either of tw o angles on the right or

left so you can do special jobs

faster and better. W ith this flexibility.

you can m ove snow to either side

of a w alk, or backfill in one pass.

C hanging the blade angle in sec­

onds is sim ply a m atter of rem ov­

ing a pin and changing positions.

The blade w eighs 41 lbs. and

m easures 1 5 " x 32".

Wheel Weights

W heel w eights increase traction

and reduce w heel slippage by con­

centrating extra w eight directly on

the w heels. S ee P hoto 9-6. A s an

added benefit, they also help to

stabilize the tiller in rough terrain

or in hard tilling conditions.

The w eights are shipped em pty

and can be filled w ith a variety

of m aterials including concrete,

sand, gravel, scrap iron, etc.

To install the w eights you w ill

have to drill tw o holes in the

w heels (using a com m on, % " drill

bit). D etailed instructions accom ­

pany each set of w heel w eights.

TROY-BILT® Tire Chains

W hen extra traction is needed

because of certain soil conditions

or w hen snow plow ing, the use of

tire chains can be very helpful

(P hoto 9-7). The chains fit either

standard or bar tread tires and

can be installed in m inutes. They’re

especially recom m ended for use

w hen plow ing snow , or if you

do custom garden tilling, w here

you’ll likely m eet a variety of soil



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9-6. Wheel weights increase traction.

9-7: Standard tread tire with chains.


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