Effects loop operation – Rocktron Vendetta 100W 2x12 Combo Amp User Manual

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Effects Loop Operation

The effects loop on the VENDETTA offers two modes of operation, as described below.

Series Mode

When an effect is inserted into the loop send and return jacks, the direct signal path

is interrupted and 100% of the signal is routed through the effects unit. This is the most

common style of effects loop in most guitar amplifiers.

This configuration allows the use of most special effects such as reverb, echo,

chorus, pitch shift, equalizers, noise reduction, etc. The only disadvantage to this loop is

that your TONE may be affected by the effects processor because your signal passes

through it at all times.

Parallel Mode

This the more specialized mode that is limited in its use, but offers the advantage

of leaving your direct signal intact even when an effects unit is inserted in the loop. Your

TONE is not hindered by the effects processor. Think of this mode as similar to the effects

buss on a mixing console. Your DIRECT signal is always present, and the processed

signal is MIXED in using the FXLEVEL/MIX control.

"Time-based" effects are ideally suited for this application. Echo, reverb, delay,

flanging and phasing are all examples of time-based effects.

Processors that WILL NOT function properly in a PARALLEL loop include noise

reduction, equalizers, compressors and limiters. The reason for this is because, for

these devices to work, they MUST PROCESS 100% of the signal. For example, you

cannot equalize the signal if you have the "un-equalized" signal along with it. Makes

sense, doesn’t it?

* When using this mode, you must program the effects unit for 100% wet. You

do not want any dry ( un-effected) signal to be allowed to pass through the

effects processor.

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