Preamp function continued – Rocktron Utopia G200B w/Banshee User Manual

Page 27

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The VAR IAC ADJUST par ameter ad justs the level at which the pr eamp stage

in the UTOPIA G20 0 B begins to d istor t. A Var iac is a voltage attenuating d e-

vice that plugs into an AC wall outlet and ad justs the voltage level to any d evice

which is plugged into it. For y ear s, many guitar ists have plugged their amplifier

head s into a Var iac and r ed uced the voltage coming into the amplifier fr om the

AC wall outlet. This allows the amplifier tubes to r each satur ation at a lower

input level and incr eases the gain pr od uced . The VAR IAC ADJUST par ameter

oper ates in a similar manner as a conventional Var iac -- wher e lower ing the pa-

rameter value lowers the level at which saturation will take place.

The BASS par ameter ad justs the amount of low fr equency infor mation at the

output of each preset.

The MID par ameter ad justs the amount of mid fr equency infor mation at the out-

put of each preset.

The TR EBLE par ameter ad justs the amount of high fr equency infor mation at the

output of each preset.

The PR ESEN CE par ameter also ad justs the amount of high fr equency infor ma-

tion at the output of each preset.

The BRIGHT parameter is displayed only when channel 1 (Clean) is active. The

options you have are IN or OUT.

The SCOOP parameter is displayed only when the MEGA and SCORCH chan-

nelss ar e active, and pr ovid es a fixed scoop of the mid fr equencies.

The MASTER parameter determines the overall signal level coming out of the

preamp section.

The SY MMETR Y par ameter ad justs the sy mmetr y of the wave for m. This may

be ad justed fr om -28d B to +6d B. 0 d B is sy mmetr ical. This may be used to ap-

proximate a tube bias characteristic. Depending on the settings and polarity more

even or odd harmonics may be produced during the distortion process.

Tip: When using -28dB you will notice a sense of a clean tone mixed in with the

distortion. This is a direct result of the Asymmetrical waveform transformation

process. This function is not available when the CLEAN channel is selected.

By using var y ing amounts of sy mmetr y a “ Tube feel” may be r ealized .

The POLARITY parameter determines which half of the wave gets processed.

This function is not available when the CLEAN channel is selected.

The DX-FILTER par ameter filter s off the "har sh" high-end content. The lower

the number the mor e high-end cut. Zer o (0 ) is no change. This function is not

available when the CLEAN channel is selected.












6. PREAMP Function continued.....
