Adding new clips to a playlist – Grass Valley NewsQ Pro v.1.1 User Manual

Page 60

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Chapter 4

The Playback Operator’s Role


Digital News Production

Adding New Clips to a Playlist

Occasionally, you may need to add a news clip directly to the playlist if you
aren’t able to add it to the ENPS rundown first. You can add a new clip directly
into the NewsQ Pro playlist, but doing so disables the link between NewsQ Pro
and the ENPS rundown. Therefore, you won’t see any subsequent changes
made to the ENPS rundown.

To add clips to your playlist:

1. Click

Insert Video


The Clip Browser appears, displaying all available clips.

2. Drag a clip into the Playlist window. To append the clip to the bottom of the

playlist, drag the clip onto scroll bar at the bottom of the playlist window.

The clip appears in the Playlist window and the Playlist Overview window.

3. Continue adding clips to the playlist as necessary.

4. Click the

Close Clip Browser


To re-link a NewsQ Pro playlist with the ENPS rundown, click the Sync
rundown icon in the NewsQ Pro toolbar. However, any changes you made to
the playlist are lost.

WARNING: Resyncing stops all items that are playing and cues clips
at the beginning of the playlist.
