Refine discovery by creating application templates, Understanding application templates – HP 5992-3838 User Manual

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Install an HP Application Discovery agent in order to monitor processes and applications
on that host. See VSE Management Software Version 4.0 Installation and Update Guide for HP-UX
for instructions.

Start an agent on a system where the agent is installed, but not running.

Modify the behavior of an agent on a system to affect data freshness and retain history.

Refine Discovery by Creating Application Templates

HP Application Discovery is shipped with a set of default templates that it uses to discover
applications that are likely to be present within an extensive network or data center. These
templates can be copied and edited to quickly create new, similar templates, or you can create
a completely new template that contains no predetermined settings. To see your current list of
templates, click the Admin/Config tab, then the AD Templates tab.

To define an application, you can do the following:

Edit an existing template to better define the application to which it applies.

Copy an existing template and modify it to collect a new set of unmatched processes into
an application.

Create a new template to collect a set of unmatched processes into an application.


“Managing Application Templates” (page 30)

for instructions on creating and editing


Understanding Application Templates

HP Application Discovery is shipped with a set of default application templates that it uses to
discover applications that are likely to be present within an extensive network or data center.
These templates can be copied and edited to quickly create a new, similar templates, or you can
create a completely new template that contains no predetermined settings.

Application template storage

Template attributes are stored in the form of an XML document.

This means that each attribute is encapsulated in XML tags that must be valid in their structure.
HP Application Discovery provides a template editor to help you build valid XML template

Application template recognition

HP Application Discovery recognizes the uniqueness of a

template based on its name and its version, and informs you when you try to use a name and
version combination that is already in use by another application template.

Application template precedence

On HP-UX, HP Application Discovery looks for templates

stored in the /var/opt/amgr/templates/local directory before applying the standard
templates supplied with HP Application Discovery. Application templates found in the local
directory have precedence over templates supplied with the product.


Components and Concepts
