Aec reference, Tail time – Polycom C16 User Manual

Page 475

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Designing Audio Conferencing Systems

B - 13

AEC Reference

The AEC reference provides the AEC with the information of what signals it

should cancel from the room (see the following figure). The echo canceller

reference is usually a combination of audio from the remote sites including

telephone and video conferencing audio and also any program audio sources.

Microphone signals are typically not included in the acoustic echo canceller

reference signal.
In order to cancel echoes, the original source signal (the remote audio) must be

part of the echo canceller reference. Generally the reference is the original

signal that is played out of the loudspeaker system (as shown in the following

figure) before it generates echo in the local room.
If the reference signal is significantly different from signal played out of the

loudspeaker (due to dynamics processing, for instance), the echo canceller

may not be able to cancel the echo signal because it is not recognized as being

the same as the reference signal, causing a persistent residual echo to be sent

to the remote site as the local echo canceller treats this signal as a local talker.

Do not apply dynamics processing or other non-linear signal processing on the

loudspeaker signal as that will distort the echo signal substantially from the

signal the echo canceller is expecting to see for the echo canceller reference. If

dynamics processing is required, process the signal before it is used as the echo

canceller reference.

Tail Time

The tail time of an echo canceller is the amount of time the echo canceller can

still recognize a signal as an echo from the remote talkers' speech and not

interpret that signal as speech from a local talker.
All echo cancellers have some upper limit, called the tail time, after which they

do not recognize the echo signal as a version of the reference signal and

consequently can not remove the echo from the room. The tail time is

measured in milliseconds (although can be interpreted in terms of distance)

and should be greater than 100 msec for medium sized rooms and greater than




Far Out

Far In


Near In

Near Out

This manual is related to the following products:

C8, SR12, C12