10 outputs – VEGA MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 User Manual

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MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3



Trigger SMS Dispatch through Input 1

The MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 can send an SMS to a phone number when closing the in-
put 1. There are two pulse types: a long pulse with a duration of a minimum of 4 sec-
onds, and individual pulses, which are shorter than 1 second.

The long pulse triggers the SMS message for the simple alarm. The short pulses trigger
the dispatch of the SMS messages for the according number of pulses.

SMS messages can be up to 140 characters long.

Dial-out and dial-in connections have priority over the sending of SMS. If a request to
send an SMS arrives during a connection, this SMS will only be sent after the existing
connection is terminated. If several SMS requests arrive during a connection, they are
buffered and then sent after the termination of the connection, individually and in suc-

Configuration with the web interface

To switch the sending of SMS messages on, first activate the checkbox "SMS
dispatch when changing ..." (Figure 20, page 39 above, position 1).

To make sure that the sending of SMS works, enter the number of an SMS ser-
vice center in the entry field "SCN (Service Center Number)" (Figure 20, page
39 above, position 8). If your MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 is connected to a
telphone system, enter the number for getting an outside line together with
the service center number.

If necessary (not for GSM/GPRS), select the SMS protocol of your SMS service
center in the dropdown menu "SMS protocol" (Figure 20, page 39 above, posi-
tion 2). Your SMS service center provider will tell you which protocol to use.

To send a message through an individual, 4 second pulse, enter a destination
phone number in the entry field "Phone number" (Figure 20, page 39 above,
position 3). The number format depends on the requirements of the service
center. Request further details on the number format of the destination
phone number by your sms service center operator. Enter the SMS message
text in the entry field (Figure 20, page 39 above, position 4).

To send a message for a number of short, 1 second, pulses scroll further down
on the page "SMS dispatch" to the entry field for the desired number of pulses.
Enter (e.g. for a short pulse) a destination phone number in the entry field
"Phone number" (Figure 20, page 39 above, position 5). Enter the SMS mes-
sage text in the entry field (Figure 20, page 39 above, position 6).

Save the settings by clicking "OK" (Figure 20, page 39 above, position 7).

12.10 Outputs


Query the Output States

The MoRoS Modem - ISDN 1.3 has digital outputs, whose status you can query and
change via the web interface.
