Show trunk, Create trunk, Add/remove trunk – Asus GigaX2024X User Manual

Page 82: Lacp action, Lacp system priority, Lacp port priority

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GigaX Series L2 Managed Switch User’s Guide


CLI command : l2 stp port retrieve

[Show Trunk]

Displays a specific trunk group settings. User can create a new trunk group by
specify a unique trunk ID, a trunk name description, the port selection criterion
(rtag), LACP mode (enabled or disable), and its trunk group member ports.

CLI command : l2 trunk show <trunk id>

[Create Trunk]

Creates a new trunk group by giving trunk ID, rtag, name, LACP mode and
port numbers.

CLI command : l2 trunk create <trunk id> <trunk name> <lacp
(enable/disable)> <port list>

[Add/Remove Trunk]

Trunk group port members can be added to or removed from an existing trunk

CLI command : l2 trunk add <trunk id> <port list>

CLI command : l2 trunk remove <trunk id> <port list>

[LACP Action]

User can enable or disable LACP on a specific trunk group.

CLI command : l2 trunk lacp action <trunk id> <enable/disable>

[LACP System Priority]

User can assign the system priority for running LACP.

CLI command : l2 trunk lacp syspri <priority (1-65535)>

[LACP Port Priority]

User can assign the port priority for running LACP.
