Glossary – In-Situ TROLL 9500 Operators Manual User Manual

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Water Quality TROLL


TROLL 9500 Operator’s Manual

0095110 rev. 007 01/09


ABend: Indication in the software interface that a test has come to an

“ABnormal END”—usually because the device memory is full, or
power was lost.

ABS: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, a plastic material.

Absolute pressure sensor: Non-vented pressure sensor that measures

all pressure forces detected by the strain gauge, including atmo-
spheric pressure. Fluid levels measured with an absolute pressure
sensor must be corrected through subtraction of the atmospheric
pressure to obtain accurate fluid level measurements. Compare
Gauged pressure sensor.

AC: Absolute or Actual Conductivity.

Accuracy: Closeness of agreement between the result of a measure-

ment and the true value. Usually expressed as a deviation from
100% accuracy.

A/D (analog to digital) converter: Converts an electrical signal to a

numeric value that can be interpreted by a computer.

Ambient pressure (temperature): The pressure (temperature) of the

medium surrounding the sensor or instrument.

Ammonia (NH


): A toxic, colorless gas with a pungent odor, highly


Ammonium (NH



): Solvated ammonium cation produced when am-

monia gas is dissolved in water.

Ammonium chloride (NH


Cl): A salt used to make ammonium and

chloride calibration standards.

Anion: Negatively charged ion (e.g., Cl

, NO



Atmospheric pressure: Pressure due to the atmosphere, altitude-de-


Barometric pressure, see Atmospheric pressure

Bithermal: At two temperatures, e.g., a three-point calibration of an

ammonium, chloride, or nitrate sensor conducted at two different

Basic sensor set: pH, pH/ORP, conductivity, and polarographic (Clark

cell) dissolved oxygen; compare Extended sensor set.

Boxcar filtering: A smoothing scheme that looks at the 5 most recent

data points.

Cable, see Comunication cable, Network cable, RuggedCable, TROLL

Com, Vented cable

Calibration: The process of determining the response of a measure-

ment system to a known amount of the measured component in
order to permit the measurement of unknown samples.

Calibration, out-of-box: Use of new Basic sensors for the MP TROLL

9500 directly from the box, with factory-supplied calibration coeffi-
cients. Sensors should be calibrated after they are used and begin
to drift.

Calibration, Quick Cal: A rapid calibration procedure available for the

Basic sensors, using a single solution.

Calibration, traditional: Single- or multi-point methods for calibrating

water-quality sensors individually to gain higher accuracy.

Calibration coefficients: Sensor slope and offset that convert analog

measurements to user units; calculated during calibration.

Calibration cup: Clear PVC vessel that attaches to the front end of the

MP TROLL 9500 in place of the restrictor and holds the recom-
mended amount of calibration solution during calibration of the
water-quality sensors.

Calibration kit: Boxed set of standards for calibrating a specific water-

quality sensor for operation in a specific range.

Calibration solution, Calibration standard: A solution whose concentra-

tion is accurately known.

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