Suspend deployment tasks, Resume deployment tasks, Suspend deployment tasks resume deployment tasks – HP IMC Branch Intelligent Management Software User Manual

Page 42

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The execution status of a task can be Waiting, Executing, Suspended, Expired, or


The task execution result can be Unknown, Succeeded, Failed, or Partially Succeeded.

The task to be executed must be in the Waiting or Expired status or with the Partially Succeeded
or Failed execution result.

You can immediately execute only CPE configuration or software deployment tasks in a valid
status. You cannot immediately execute an auto deployment task.

You cannot immediately execute a task that is automatically restoring the CPE configuration
or software to the baseline.


Click Execute, and a confirmation dialog box displays.


Click OK.

Suspend deployment tasks

Use this function to stop executing one or more tasks.

Click the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Configuration Management
> Deployment Task to enter the deployment task list page.


Select one or more tasks.


Only tasks in the Waiting or Executing status can be suspended.

When you suspend a task in the Executing status, the started deployments will continue, while
those yet to be started will not be executed.

Suspending an auto CPE configuration deployment task or auto CPE software deployment
task disables the task.

You cannot suspend a task that is automatically restoring the CPE configuration or software
to the baseline.


Click Suspend, and a confirmation dialog box displays.


Click OK.

Resume deployment tasks


Click the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Configuration Management
> Deployment Task to enter the deployment task list page.


Select one or more tasks.


Only suspended tasks can be resumed.

When the execution time of the task is Immediately, the task is executed immediately after
being resumed.

When the execution time of the task is Scheduled, if the execution time does not reach when
the task is resumed, the task status is Waiting; if the execution time has reached when the task
is resumed, the task status is Expired.

Resuming an auto CPE configuration deployment task or auto CPE software deployment task
enables the task.


Click Resume, and a confirmation dialog box displays.


Click OK.


Configuration management

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