Start up cont’d – Bard CH4S1 User Manual

Page 17

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Manual 2100-455M


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start uP cOnt’D.

saFetY PractIces:

1. Never mix R-410A with other refrigerants.

2. Use gloves and safety glasses, Polyol Ester oils can

be irritating to the skin, and liquid refrigerant will

freeze the skin.

3. Never use air and R-410A to leak check; the

mixture may become flammable.

4. Do not inhale R-410A – the vapor attacks the

nervous system, creating dizziness, loss of

coordination and slurred speech. Cardiac

irregularities, unconsciousness and ultimate death

can result from breathing this concentration.

5. Do not burn R-410A. This decomposition produces

hazardous vapors. Evacuate the area if exposed.

6. Use only cylinders rated DOT4BA/4BW 400.
7. Never fill cylinders over 80% of total capacity.
8. Store cylinders in a cool area, out of direct sunlight.

9. Never heat cylinders above 125°F.

10. Never trap liquid R-410A in manifold sets, gauge

lines or cylinders. R-410A expands significantly at

warmer temperatures. Once a cylinder or line is full

of liquid, any further rise in temperature will cause

it to burst.

ImPOrtant Installer nOte

For improved start-up performance, wash the indoor coil
with a dish washing detergent.

Pressure serVIce POrts

R-410A requires high pressure hose connections
and gauges. High and Low pressure service ports
are installed on all units so that the system operating
pressures can be observed. Pressure tables can be found
later in the manual covering all models on both cooling
and heating cycles. It is imperative to match the correct
pressure table to the unit by model number.

hIGh & lOW Pressure sWItch

All models are supplied with a remote reset high and low
pressure switch. If tripped, this pressure switch may be
reset by turning the thermostat off then back on again.

High/Low Pressure control provides protection for the
compressor. In the event system pressures go above 575
PSI or below 32 PSI, in either cooling or heating mode,
the compressor will be stopped. This high pressure switch
is located on the discharge line and is matched with Bard
Part #8406-113. This will activate the “L” terminal of
the low voltage terminal strip. This terminal can be used
for remote indication of a pressure lockout. The lockout
circuit will hold compressor off line. When the system
problem is corrected, the unit operation can be restored
by turning the main power supply off and then back on, or
reset the room thermostat. The low pressure control has a
bypass circuit built into the Defrost Control Board.

three Phase scrOll cOmPressOr

start uP InFOrmatIOn

Scroll compressors, like several other types of
compressors, will only compress in one rotational
direction. Direction of rotation is not an issue with
single phase compressors since they will always start
and run in the proper direction.

However, three phase compressors will rotate in either
direction depending upon phasing of the power. Since
there is a 50-50 chance of connecting power in such
a way as to cause rotation in the reverse direction,

verification of proper rotation must be made. All three
phase units incorporate a phase monitor to ensure proper

field wiring. See the “Phase Monitor” section later in
this manual.

Verification of proper rotation must be made any time a
compressor is changed or rewired. If improper rotation
is corrected at this time there will be no negative impact
on the durability of the compressor. However, reverse
operation for over one hour may have a negative impact
on the bearing due to oil pump out.
NOTE: If compressor is allowed to run in reverse

rotation for several minutes, the compressor’s

internal protector will trip.

All three phase ZR3 compressors are wired identically
internally. As a result, once the correct phasing

is determined for a specific system or installation,
connecting properly phased power leads to the same
Fusite terminal should maintain proper rotation direction.

Verification of proper rotation direction is made by
observing that suction pressure drops and discharge
pressure rises when the compressor is energized. Reverse
rotation also results in an elevated sound level over that
with correct rotations, as well as substantially reduced
current draw compared to tabulate values.
The direction of rotation of the compressor may be
changed by reversing any two line connections to the unit.

This manual is related to the following products: