Get variable (any input mode), Set motor limit(any input mode) – Pololu Simple User Manual

Page 76

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putting an “H” at the end of the number. If the argument


is outside the allowed range, a Serial

Format Error occurs.

Error. Examples: The following commands all make the motor brake as hard as possible:

◦ “B32<CR>”

◦ “B100%<CR>”

◦ “B20H<CR>”

Get Variable (any input mode)

Command Format:




Description: This command lets you read a variable from the Simple Motor Controller. See

Section 6.4

for a

list of all of available variables. The value of the requested variable is transmitted as an ASCII-encoded decimal
number. If the argument


is between 41 and 127, a Serial Format Error occurs.

Example: The following commands both request the board temperature (variable ID 24, or 0x18):

◦ “D24<CR>”

◦ “D18H<CR>”

We might receive “.286<CR><LF>” as a response. The leading ‘.’ is a status character that indicates the last
command was understood and no errors are currently stopping the motors. The rest of the characters before
the carriage return (<CR>) and new line (<LF>) characters are an ASCII representation of a decimal (base 10)
number. This particular variable has units of 0.1 °C, which would mean that the board temperature is 28.6 °C.

Set Motor Limit(any input mode)

Command Format:






Description: This command lets you change the temporary motor limit variables documented in

Section 6.4


Limit IDs from 0 to 3 are affect both forward and reverse limits equally (they are “symmetric”). Limit IDs from 4
to 7 affect only forward limits and limit IDs from 8 to 11 affect only reverse limits. The following table provides
the limit IDs for all of the temporary motor limit variables along with the allowed limit values:

Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

6. Using the Serial Interface

Page 76 of 101
