Empty patches – Muse Research Receptor manual v1.2 User Manual

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10: Graphic UI - Loading Patches


Receptor Manual

the patches within them are known as ROM patches (ROM means “Read Only Memory). Receptor indicates
ROM banks and ROM patches by enclosing their names in angle brackets, like <this>. If you see a patch name
or a bank name enclosed in angle brackets, it means you cannot overwrite it, nor can you delete it.
If a patch does not appear in angle brackets, then it is a RAM bank (Random Access Memory) and can be
modified in any way you choose -- you can modify patches, add patches, delete patches, or delete the entire
bank if you wish.

Empty Patches

Any RAM bank can hold up to 128 patches. If a bank currently contains fewer than 128 patches, then the
unused patch slots are called “(empty)” patches. (Empty) patch locations are excellent places to store new
patches that you create.
If a ROM bank contains fewer than 128 patches, you will not see any indication of (empty) patches since you
cannot write to a ROM bank.
