TeeJet SmartPad II Lightshow User Guide User Manual

Page 10

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Keyword: show_set_lights

[OptParam1] None

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Displays the lights set with set_guide_light and set_stop_light.

Example: "set_stop_light 1"

"set_guide_light -2"

"set_guide_light 0"

"show_set_lights" - turns on the green stop light and the center and 2nd guide light to the left of center.

Keyword: show_lights

[OptParam1] The number of the guide light to illuminate. May be between -11 and 11.

[OptParam2] The stop light to turn on. May be 1 (Green), 2 (Yellow), or 3 (Red). (integer)

Definition: This state is a combination of set_guide_light, set_stop_light, and show_set_lights. It will
turn on a single guide light and stop light.

Example: "show_lights 2 1" - turns on the green stop light and the 2nd guide light to the right of

Figure 15: set_stop_light

Figure 16: show_set_lights

Figure 17: show_lights
