TeeJet SmartPad II Lightshow User Guide User Manual

Page 9

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Keyword: model

[OptParam1] None

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Displays the lightbar model string. This string is also displayed in Lightbar Test.

Example: "model" - Will currently display M4-2.0 where 4 is the model ID and 2.0 is the firmware

Keyword: set_guide_light

[OptParam1] Sets a specific guide LED to the on state. Parameter value ranges is between -11 and 11,
where the minus values are to the left.

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Sets the specified guide LED. This state must be followed by show_set_lights to actually
turn the light on. By separating these two states, we are able to turn on any combination of stop and
guide lights.

Example: "set_guide_light 2" - sets the guide light 2 to the right of center to on.

"set_guide_light 0" - sets the center light to on.


Keyword: set_stop_light

[OptParam1] The stop lights to turn on. May be 1 (Green), 2 (Yellow), or 3 (Red).

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Sets the specified stop LEDs to on. This state must be followed by show_set_lights to
actually turn the light on. By separating these two states, we are able to turn on any combination of
stop and guide lights.

Example: "set_stop_light 3" - sets the red stoplights to on

"set_guide_light 2" - sets the guide light 2 to the right of center to on.

"set_guide_light 0" - sets the center light to on.

Figure 14: set_guide_light
