TeeJet SmartPad II Lightshow User Guide User Manual

Page 8

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Keyword: pause

[OptParam1] The number of milliseconds (1000 =s 1 second) Light Show will wait before moving to the
next state.

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Pauses specified number of milliseconds before moving to next state.

Example: "pause 1000" - waits 1 second before continuing to next state

Keyword: text

[OptParam1] The text you want to display on the lightbar. If the text is greater than eight characters in
length, it will be truncated.

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Displays the specified text on the lightbar screen.

Example: "text SWATH XL" - displays Mid-Tech on the lightbar screen.

Keyword: fill_screen

[OptParam1] None

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Lights up all the LEDs in the lightbar screen.

Example: "fill_screen" - lights up all screen LEDs.

Keyword: clear_screen

[OptParam1] None

[OptParam2] None

Definition: Turns off all the LEDs in the lightbar screen.

Example: "clear_screen" - clears the lightbar screen.

Figure 12: text

Figure 13: fill_screen
