Working with clips, channels, and tracks – Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual

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Working with clips, channels, and tracks

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Mapping source and output audio channels
Audio channel icons
Extract audio from clips
Render and replace audio
Break a stereo track into mono tracks
Use a mono clip as stereo
Placing sound from one channel of a stereo clip into both channels
Linking multiple audio clips
Link audio clips
Edit a multi-clip link in the Source Monitor

Mapping source and output audio channels

Mapping the audio channels in clips determines the type and number of audio tracks in which they appear in a sequence. Also, mapping channels
determines their destination channels within the master track, and therefore in the final output file. For example, if you map channels 1 and 2 in a
stereo clip to the Left-Front and Right-Front channels in a 5.1-channel master track, the two source channels appear as a single 5.1-channel track
when placed into a sequence. They feed the Left-Front and Right-Front channels of the master track. When the final output is played through a
5.1-channel surround sound system, the original two channels play through the Left-Front and Right-Front speakers, respectively.

Karl Soule shows how to map audio channels in Premiere Pro

in this video tutorial

. This video is for editors dealing with footage using split-mono

tracks (voice on one track, ambient sound on another). This quick tutorial on audio channel mapping is a must-see.

By default, clip audio channels are mapped to the master track when they are captured or imported into a project. You can specify how Premiere
Pro maps them by selecting a Default Track Format in the Source Channel Mapping pane of the Audio Preferences dialog box. You can also
change how clip audio channels are mapped after importing them into a project.

Finally, you can specify which output channels Premiere Pro uses to monitor each audio channel. For example, you can monitor the left channel of
stereo tracks through the left-front speaker of your computer speaker system. Set this default in the Audio Output Mapping Preferences dialog box.

Map source audio channels on import

You can specify how Premiere Pro automatically maps clip audio channels to audio tracks and the Master Track on import or capture.

1. Select Edit > Preferences > Audio (Windows), or Premiere Pro > Preferences > Audio (Mac OS).

2. In the Audio Tracks section of the Audio Preferences dialog box, select a format from the Default Track Format menu.

3. Click OK.

Change the source audio channel mapping for one or more clips

1. Select one or more clips containing audio in the Project panel and choose Clip > Modify > Audio Channels.

If you select more than one audio clip, make sure that the track format is the same for all the selected clips.

2. In the Audio Channels pane of the Modify Clip dialog box, do any of the following:

Select a format from the Channel Format list.


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