Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-200 User Manual

Page 4

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One or more of the following statements may be applicable:

Ths equpment generates or uses rado frequency energy.

Changes or modfcatons to ths equpment may cause harmful

nterference unless the modfcatons are expressly approved n the

nstructon manual. The user could lose the authorty to operate ths

equpment f an unauthorzed change or modfcaton s made.


Ths equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the lmts

for a Class B dgtal devce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganst

harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton.
Ths equpment generates, uses and can generate rado

frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance

wth the nstructons, may cause harmful nterference to rado

communcatons. However, there s no guarantee that the

nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths equpment

does cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton,

whch can be determned by turnng the equpment off and on, the

user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of

the followng measures:
• Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna.

• Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever.

• Connect the equpment to an outlet on a crcut dfferent from

that to whch the recever s connected.

• Consult the dealer for techncal assstance.

The RBRC Recycle seal found on


lthum-on (L-on) battery packs ndcates

Kenwood’s voluntary partcpaton n an ndustry

program to collect and recycle L-on batteres

after ther operatng lfe has expred. The RBRC

program s an alternatve to dsposng L-on

batteres wth your regular refuse or n muncpal

waste streams, whch s llegal n some areas.

For nformaton on L-on battery recyclng n your area, call (toll

free) 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837).
Kenwood’s nvolvement n ths program s part of our commtment

to preserve our envronment and conserve our natural resources.

This manual is related to the following products: