The start button feature, Setting up the start button feature, The start button feature -2 – Epson GT-30000 User Manual

Page 118: Setting up the start button feature -2

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Using the Start Button

Rev. C

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Proof Sign-off:
KOW S.Koide C.Fujiwara

The Start Button Feature

The Start Button feature allows you to scan and send data to a
target application with a single push of your scanner’s

a Start

button. This feature is supported by Windows 98, 2000, and
Millennium Edition. The following sections help you set up a
Windows 98, 2000, or Millennium Edition system to use the Start
Button feature.

Note for Windows 95 and NT 4.0 users:
In a stand-alone configuration of Windows 95 and NT 4.0, the Start
Button feature is disabled.

If the scanner is connected to a PC running EPSON Scan Server, the Start
Button feature is disabled.

Setting up the Start Button Feature

Windows 98, 2000, and Millennium Edition allow you to use the

a Start button on your scanner without having to open an
application that supports the Start Button feature. When you
press the

a Start button, you can have a scanned image

automatically sent to your application, such as Microsoft Imaging
for Windows, as long as it is installed.
