Operation, Maintenance, Care and cleaning of lower dome – Nikon XX152-02-00 User Manual

Page 27: Fuse replacement

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When power is applied to the camera, the SurveyorVFT fixed dome views the selected scene.


The SurveyorVFT Fixed Camera Dome requires no scheduled maintenance except for the occasional
cleaning of the lower dome.

Care and Cleaning of Lower Dome

1. Always handle the lower dome by the flange and avoid touching the inside surface.

2. If dust or other contaminants accumulate in the dome’s interior, they should be removed with clean dry air

pressure (compressed air cans).

3. If spots, streaks or stains appear on the interior or exterior, they can be removed with a solution isopropyl

alcohol and water using a microwave-safe (aluminum free) paper towel. Dry with clean, dry pressurized

4. Scratches or surface blemishes on the exterior or interior may be removed with a nonabrasive wax using

a soft nonabrasive cleaning cloth. Either liquid or spray cleaner/wax suitable for fine furniture is

Caution: Excessive rubbing of the dome’s surface can cause permanent scratches that may render the

dome unusable.

5. Clean all surfaces with any soft nonabrasive cleaning cloth and cleaning agent suitable for acrylic plastic.

Caution: For warranty protection, implement this instruction exactly as stated.

Fuse Replacement

There is a fuse located in the SurveyorVFT. When necessary, replace it with a fuse of the same value, 0.5 A,
250 V, 5x20 mm slo blo for indoor version; the outdoor version has an additional 1.0 A, 250 V, 5x20 mm slo
blo fuse.

XX152-02-00 Rev 1004 SurveyorVFT Fixed Camera Dome


