4 entry codes, 1 programming entry codes, 2 erasing individual entry codes – DoorKing 1816 Intercom System-Multi User Manual

Page 33: 3 erasing all entry codes

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3.4 Entry


Entry codes are a four digit number (preceded by #) than can be entered on the Doorman telephone
keypad to gain access through the door or gate. When a programmed entry code is entered on the
Doorman telephone keypad, the relay on the 1816 control panel will activate for the programmed
strike time. The maximum number of entry codes that can be stored in the 1816 memory is 10,000.
Use the log sheet provided in the back of this manual to record your entries.

3.4.1 Programming Entry Codes

Entry codes can be any four digit combination.

Factory Default = (Not Programmed)

1. Take the doorman telephone off hook.

2. Press *02 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).

3. Enter a four-digit entry code _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).

4. Repeat step 3 to enter additional entry codes.

5. Hang up the doorman telephone to end the programming session.

3.4.2 Erasing Individual Entry Codes

This sequence allows you to erase an individual entry code (or codes).

Factory Default = (Not Programmed)

1. Take the doorman telephone off hook.

2. Press *06 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).

3. Enter the four-digit entry code to be erased _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).

4. Repeat step 3 to erase additional entry codes.

5. Hang up the doorman telephone to end the programming session.

3.4.3 Erasing All Entry Codes

This sequence will erase all entry codes that have been programmed into the system.

Factory Default = (Not Programmed)

1. Take the doorman telephone off hook.

2. Press *00 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).

3. Enter 9 9 9 9 then press * (beep).

4. Hang up the doorman telephone to end the programming session.



