Lincoln Electric IM10180 POWER FEED 25M NNS User Manual

Page 34

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4-Step Trigger: Special Considerations

The response to the trigger with 4-step trigger active is dependent upon when the trigger is pulled/released and the settings for START

Example 1.
Pull the trigger to start feed of wire. When arc is established the sequencer will remain in START until the trigger is released. When the
trigger is released, UPSLOPE begins. If trigger is pulled again during UPSLOPE and CRATER/DOWNSLOPE is active, the feeder will
begin the DOWNSLOPE, sloping down over the CRATER time, regardless of when the trigger pull occurred.

If the CRATER/DOWNSLOPE state is disabled and the trigger is pulled during UPSLOPE, the sequencer will remain in the UPSLOPE state
and continue with the weld. If the fourth step (trigger release) occurs during UPSLOPE, the sequencer will jump to the BURNBACK to
end the weld.

Example 2:
Pull the trigger to start feed of wire. When arc is established the sequencer will remain in START until the trigger is released. When the
trigger is released, UPSLOPE begins and continues into WELD when the START timer is complete. When the trigger is pulled again
(step 3) and CRATER/DOWNSLOPE is active, DOWNSLOPE begins and continues until the CRATER timer expires, at which time CRATER
will be entered until the trigger is released.

While in DOWNSLOPE, if the trigger is released before the timer expires, the trigger will be ignored and the DOWNSLOPE state will con-
tinue until the timer expires, at which point CRATER state will be enabled, check for trigger, and jump to BURNBACK since the trigger
has been released.

While in the DOWNSLOPE state and the trigger is released and then pulled again, it will be ignored. During 4-Step operation in DOWNS-
LOPE, the trigger will always be ignored.
