Sterlco A3 Blender Control and Data Acquisition Software User Manual

Page 113

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Page Number 113

How to trouble shoot a PC problem

Your software installation went fine, but your PC crashes intermittently.

A3 software has been testing on multiple computers from multiple
manufacturers. If your PC is crashing then the problem is either that the
PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements (see Chapter 1 Installing A3)
or your PC has a separate issue that must be addressed by your local PC
company. Running other applications on the PC along with A3 can also
cause problems (see Chapter 3, memory status). ACS does not perform
PC repairs or installations of A3 software.

You receive a message “Hard drive is about out of space” or “Hard drive is
out of space”.

The hard drive mentioned is either approaching or has reached the
minimum allowed free space (see Chapter 2 A3 Options for the minimum
allowed space). You need to delete some of the log files from these drives
before other files will be saved. A warning is given when you only have
25% space left. When you reach the limit all saving (including the
configuration file) will be prevented until the problem is resolved.

Your receive printer error messages when the printer is hooked up.

A3 works with all printers that work with Windows XP. Use the control
panel, right click on the printer and select properties, and then click “Print
Test Page”. If the printer doesn’t print from here then the problem is with
the printer or printer installation.
