Alliance Laundry Systems UW35B2 User Manual

Page 17

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The washer-extractor has 5 supply compartments,
designated as compartments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Compartment 1 is farthest to the rear of machine.
Moving toward the front of machine, compartments
are ordered 2, 3, 4 and 5 (at the front of machine).
Supply signals 1 through 5 correspond to
compartments 1 through 5. Supply signals 1, 2, and 3
have dedicated water valves that flush compartments
1, 2 and 3 (along with the signal being available for
external supplies). Supply signal 4 operates a valve
that flushes compartment 4. The supply signal is
available for external supply connection. This valve is
connected so that it also flushes supply compartment 5
when the supply 4 signal is on. For example, if supply
4 signal is programmed, it will flush compartments 4
and 5. Supply 5 is available to operate an external

NOTE: For additional assistance, refer to
installation instructions.

Heated Models Only

Display shows temperature in degrees F or C. Display
will show degrees F if configured for “FAr” in Setup
Mode, or degrees C if configured for “CEL” in Setup
Mode. Range is 80°F to 205°F, or 00F (no heat for
segment), or 27°C to 95°C, or 00C (no heat for

Press the (

∧) key to increase, or (∨) key to decrease

temperature. Temperature changes in one-degree
increments. The control will energize heat and pause
cycle timing for up to 50 minutes until the
programmed temperature is first reached.

NOTE: If temperature not reached after
50 minutes, control resumes cycle.

After cycle resumes, control will attempt to maintain
programmed temperature if it senses water in the

NOTE: Temperature display applies ONLY if
machine is configured for “HEAt” in Setup Mode.
Machine must be equipped with electric or steam
heat and a temperature sensor. If configured for
“noHt” (no heat capability) in Setup Mode,
temperature display does not appear in the
segment. After temperature setting, control will
skip to “drAI”/“nodr” or Spin Time, depending on

If display shows “drAI”/“nodr” during segment
programming, a drain step option can be selected.
Select “drAI” for a drain step followed by an optional
spin. Select “nodr” for no drain step. The machine will
proceed directly to the next segment if “nodr”. Change
the selection by pressing the (

∧) or (∨) key. Press

START to continue.

If “drAI” is selected (or if your model does not provide
the option of selecting “drAI”/“nodr”), the display will
show “SPIn” one second, “tI


E” one second, and then

the time for spin: “00” (no spin) for 30-240 seconds IF
you are in Rinse 1, 2, or 3. If you are in Rinse 4, the
time for spin will show 0 or 1-10 minutes. Change the
selection by pressing the (

∧) or (∨) key. Press START

to continue. Then enter the next segment (rIN2, rIN3,
rIN4 or exit if rIN4 is complete).

IMPORTANT: The spin time in Rinse 4 is
programmed in minutes (0-10 minutes, in
one-minute increments), while other spins are in
seconds to allow for shorter times (such as
45 seconds). (Rinse 4 segment should usually be
used as the final rinse, even where there may be
fewer than four rinses. Program zero time for
preceding rinses you wish to exclude.)

Display shows a temperature. Exit Program Mode by
moving the Program/Run switch back to the left as
seen from the front of the machine.

NOTE: The SPIN indicator LED will automatically
light during the wash cycle when the last spin
programmed in a cycle is operating (regardless of
which segment).

This manual is related to the following products: