Factorytalk historian tags and attributes, Tag search, E 51) – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE DataLink 4.2 User Guide User Manual

Page 59: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


FactoryTalk Historian Tags and

A FactoryTalk Historian point is a stream of real-time data from a defined
source, and is described by a corresponding tag name and other attributes.

In FactoryTalk Historian DataLink and this online help, FactoryTalk
Historian points are frequently referred to as FactoryTalk Historian tags,
and the terms are used somewhat interchangeably. However, a tag is
simply a name for a FactoryTalk Historian point. When you retrieve
FactoryTalk Historian data into an Excel spreadsheet, the tag name is the
most commonly-used FactoryTalk Historian attribute to refer to data from
a FactoryTalk Historian point.

FactoryTalk Historian tag names can help identify point data, describe the
source of function data values and arrays, and be referenced as attributes to
retrieve data. This section describes the use of tags and other point
attributes in building a FactoryTalk Historian DataLink spreadsheet,
including both:

Direct retrieval of tags into spreadsheet cells.

Functions used to resolve tag names from other point attributes, or
retrieve attributes based on a tag name.

Tag Search

Use the Tag Search dialog box to query the FactoryTalk Historian server
directly for FactoryTalk Historian tag names to copy into functions and
