Chapter 2 - about the drive, Hapter, About the drive – Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo 1.5 AC Power Modules V1.2 User Manual

Page 11

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About the Drive





About the Drive

This chapter describes how to identify the drive using the model number matrix and
shows the major drive components.

The LiquiFlo 1.5 AC drive is a PWM (pulse-width-modulated) liquid-cooled drive that
provides vector and general purpose regulation for a wide range of applications.


Identifying the Drive by Model Number

Each LiquiFlo 1.5 AC drive can be identified by its model number. See figure 2.1. This
number appears on the shipping label and on the drive’s nameplate. Drive power
ratings are provided in table 2.1.

Figure 2.1 – Identifying the Drive Model Number

L F 1 5 0 4 1 4 R 4

L F 1 5 = L iq u iF lo 1 .5

C o n tin u o u s A m p e re R a tin g
0 4 1 4 = 4 1 4 a m p s
0 5 0 0 = 5 0 0 a m p s
0 6 4 3 = 6 4 3 a m p s
1 2 0 0 = 1 2 0 0 a m p s

C o o la n t M e th o d
R = re frig e ra n t R 1 3 4 a
W = w a te r-co o le d

V o lta g e
4 = 4 4 0 to 4 8 0 V A C
