4 double disc roller, 5 dd light roller, 6 scraped crumbler – Great Plains P12719 2005 User Manual

Page 21: 7 aqueel roll

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Flatliner 500

Operating Instructions

4.4 Double Disc Roller

The standard DD600 roller is made up of
individual Double Disc (patented) Ring

The DD rings are designed to consolidate the
soil whilst cutting and crushing any clods.

Even in heavy, wet soils it can easily be
operated with minimal blockages occurring.

4. Adjustment / Operation

4.5 DD Light Roller

The DD Light roller is made up of individual
Double Disc (patented) Ring segments.

The DD Light roll is designed to consolidate
the entire soil surface whilst cutting and
crushing any clods.

Even in heavy, wet soils it can easily be
operated with minimal blockages occurring.

4.6 Scraped Crumbler

The scraped crumbler unit provides a firm and
level soil finish which conserves moisture and
crushes any clods.

4.7 Aqueel Roll

The SIMBA Aqueel is a polyurethane based
specialist self-cleaning tyre. The basic benefit
of Aqueeled ground (reservoir tillage) is
gained on light, easy working soils that can
slump or compact.

The patterned effect left by the Aqueel roll is
designed to combat surface water movement
and wind erosion in the field.
