NISSAN 2015 Frontier - Owner's Manual User Manual

Page 303

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Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
rollover rate than other types of vehicles.

They have higher ground clearance than passen-
ger cars to make them capable of performing in a
variety of on-pavement and off-road applications.
This gives them a higher center of gravity than
ordinary vehicles. An advantage of higher ground
clearance is a better view of the road, allowing
you to anticipate problems. However, they are not
designed for cornering at the same speeds as
conventional 2-wheel drive vehicles any more
than low-slung sports cars are designed to per-
form satisfactorily under off-road conditions. If at
all possible, avoid sharp turns at high speeds. As
with other vehicles of this type, failure to operate
this vehicle correctly may result in loss of control
or vehicle rollover. In a rollover crash, an unbelted
person is significantly more likely to die than a
person wearing a seat belt.

For additional information, refer to “Driving safety
precautions” in this section.



Failure to operate this vehicle in a safe
and prudent manner may result in loss of
control or an accident.

Be alert and drive defensively at all times. Obey all
traffic regulations. Avoid excessive speed, high
speed cornering, or sudden steering maneuvers,
because these driving practices could cause you
to lose control of your vehicle. As with any ve-
hicle, loss of control could result in a colli-
sion with other vehicles or objects or cause
the vehicle to roll over, particularly if the loss
of control causes the vehicle to slide side-
Be attentive at all times, and avoid driving
when tired. Never drive when under the influence of
alcohol or drugs (including prescription or over-
the-counter drugs which may cause drowsiness).
Always wear your seat belt as outlined in the
“Safety – Seats, seat belts and supplemental re-
straint system” section of this manual, and also
instruct your passengers to do so.

Seat belts help reduce the risk of injury in collisions
and rollovers. In a rollover crash, an unbelted
or improperly belted person is significantly
more likely to be injured or killed than a
person properly wearing a seat belt.


If the right side or left side wheels unintentionally
leave the road surface, maintain control of the
vehicle by following the procedure below. Please
note that this procedure is only a general guide.
The vehicle must be driven as appropriate based
on the conditions of the vehicle, road and traffic.

1. Remain calm and do not overreact.

2. Do not apply the brakes.

3. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel

with both hands and try to hold a straight

4. When appropriate, slowly release the accel-

erator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle.

5. If there is nothing in the way, steer the ve-

hicle to follow the road while vehicle speed
is reduced. Do not attempt to drive the ve-
hicle back onto the road surface until vehicle
speed is reduced.

6. When it is safe to do so, gradually turn the

steering wheel until both tires return to the
road surface. When all tires are on the road
surface, steer the vehicle to stay in the ap-
propriate driving lane.

● If you decide that it is not safe to return the

vehicle to the road surface based on vehicle,
road or traffic conditions, gradually slow the
vehicle to a stop in a safe place off the road.


Starting and driving
