Nikon SPEEDLIGHT SB-16 User Manual

Page 9

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For truly creative bounce flash photography, the Nikon

Speedlight SB-16 has two separate flash heads—a
combination of tilting and rotating main flash head with
zooming capability and a smaller secondary flash head
which faces straight ahead to fill in the shadows in the
eye sockets and provide a small catchlight for the eyes.

Moreover, a special MD setting allows the SB-16 to
synchronize with a motor-driven camera firing at 4

frames per second for shooting 8 pictures in series.

Even though the SB-16 is extremely easy to use, you

should familiarize yourself with its "Basic Operation” as
presented in the first section. For more detailed infor­

mation, please refer to "Controls in Detail" and "Photo­

graphic Techniques." A few minutes wisely invested now
will pay off later in years of rewarding photographic

To insure proper service, make sure the Nikon Warranty
Card is enclosed in the speedlight box.

This manual is related to the following products: