Short answer, True/false, 2 short answer – QOMO QClick V7 User Manual

Page 9: 3 true/false

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Click the Multiple Choice button

. An option menu popup with two question selections will

appear: Multiple Choice and Likert.

Multiple Choice: Set for two types of questions

Single Answer & Multiple Answers and

choose from 2 to 10 selections.

o Single Answer: Multiple options question with only a single correct answer choice.

o Multi Answer: Multiple options question with the option of more than one correct


Likert: Mostly used for Vote and Survey questions. There are dozens of likert templates in
the QClick system.

To add a Multiple Choice slide follow these steps:

1. Click the Multiple Choice button

. The question selections menu pops up.

2. Click the question options to complete the question setup.

Note: When you click on the Multiple Choice icon

a blank four option slide will be added.

1.2.2 Short Answer

This type of template is designed for text input questions.

Clicking the Short Answer button will add a blank slide to the presentation.

1.2.3 True/False:

To add a new True/False question, follow these steps:

1. Click on the True/False icon

. A slide with the True/False options will be added.
