Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual

Page 72

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Picture 169: User rights editing

You can switch to any tab of this sub-tabs control and change any rights. If you want to save changes made to
the rights you must press the „Save Changes‟ button. If you switch to „Identity‟, „Address‟ or „Events‟ tab before
pressing the „Save Changes‟ button, you will lose your changes.

If saving of new right values was successful, you will receive an

“Edit successful.” message.

Note: If there is a [?] link near caption, it is possible to show a hint shortly describing a right, by clicking

on question mark link.

FIS Folder, FIS Prefix

The FIS Folder check boxes define access authorization to the Fax Information System (FIS folder).
The FIS Prefix field defines the permanent search criteria for the FIS folder's Message Name field.
Users may not change this value. Users with Write privileges can store new documents to or change
existing ones in the FIS folder.

Message Folder

Defines access authorization to the user's Message Folder on the KCS Server.

System Folder
