To return the appliance to manual operation – Kenwood SC102/2WH User Manual

Page 11

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Follow Points 1 -4 as above, then:

5. Set the cooking hours.

Push in the cooking hours button at the

same time turn the setting knob until the
cooking time is entered in the display.

Release the button. The arrows pointing
towards the automatic and cooking hours

symbols will glow continuously.

Set the oven to the required


The oven and fan neons should be on.

7. To check the stop time.

The stop time can be checked at any time

during the cooking period by pressing the

stop button. The stop time will be




During an automatically timed period all three arrows will glow until the oven comes on, then the

arrow pointing to the stop symbol will go out.
2. The oven indicator neon will cycle ON and OFF during the cooking time as usual.

Once the controls have been set it is possible to check the times which have been set or the

remaining cooking time by pressing the appropriate buttons. '


A programme may be cancelled by returning the cooking hours to zero. Press the cooking hours

button and at the same time turn the setting knob until 00.00 appears in the display. Release all buttons.

The arrow pointing towards the auto symbol will now flash. This acts as a reminder to reset the appliance

to manual. Whilst cancelling an automatic cycle the displays and audible signal should be ignored.

5. The fan and fan on neons may continue to operate once the automatic cycle is completed, until the
controls are cool.

To Return the Appliance to Manual Operation

Follow the steps below to ensure that after use the oven is returned to Manual, otherwise

it will not operate.

At the end of a timed cooking
operation the arrow pointing towards
the automatic symbol will flash.

The buzzer will sound for two minutes. To

switch off press any button.

Turn the oven control to OFF position.

The arrow pointing towards the auto

symbol will continue to flash. The fan may
stop and the fan on neon may go out. (See

turn the Manual/Automatic selector knob
to Manual (vertical).

The arrow pointing towards the auto

symbol will not flash.

Turn the oven control on to check that
the oven operates manually.

Turn the control OFF.

No indicator neons should operate.


The fan and fan on neon may continue to operate once the automatic cycle is

completed, until the controls are cool.


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