Other types of controls in dcam: synth squad, Voices and unison voices – FXpansion DCAM Synth Squad Quick Start Guide User Manual

Page 22

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Other types of controls in DCAM: Synth Squad

Click & drag:

Click the value and drag it

Double-click & type:

Double-click the value, type a
new one and press ENTER/

Rotary selector click & drag (left)

Click the rotary selector and drag up/down.

Rotary selector menu (right)

Click on the display that shows the setting and
select the relevant setting from the drop-down
menu that appears.

• Fusor contains some rotary selectors that are

essentially rotary controls or ‘knobs’ (such as
Steps in the screenshot to the right), some which
have associated drop-down menus (such as


Duration) and some which are simply drop-down
menus (such as the

Multiplier controls).

Drop-down menus can also be found in the synths

– for example, TransMod slot source/scaler menus,
performance controller selectors in the preferences
panel and the preset menu (click on the preset name).

• Rotary selectors and drop-down menus

• Numerical text-boxes

There are two ways to adjust these controls:

• Buttons

Buttons are generally ‘toggle’ type buttons – click to activate, click again to deactivate. Buttons light up
when activated. Some ‘radio’ button-style controls exist, such as the sub-oscillator

Octave buttons in


• Indicator LEDs

DCAM: Synth Squad instruments contain indicator LEDs which light up to represent LFO rates and other
control-rate modulation. Do not confuse these with buttons, which are larger.

Voices and Unison voices

• Voices: the total number of synth voices that are possible
• Unison: the number of voices to play together for a single note
The overall polyphony is the number of voices divided by the number of unison voices.
Voices and Unison voices are available in the TransMod system so that any parameter can be varied for each
voice, although you can modulate pitch controls for classic ‘unison detune’ sounds.

Polyphony = 1

(9 voices for each note of poly)

Polyphony = 3

(3 voices for each note of poly)

Polyphony = 9

(1 voice for each note of poly)
