20 read host watchdog timer & safety value – ADLINK ND-6021 User Manual

Page 54

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Command Set

3.20 Read Host Watchdog Timer & Safety Value


Read host watchdog timer setting and the safety value.




Command leading code.


Address ID


Read host watchdog setting and module safety state







Command is valid.


Command is invalid.


Address ID, range (00 - FF).


0 : Host watchdog timer is disable
1 : Host watchdog timer is enable(1-character)


Host timeout value.
Range 01 - FF. (2-character)
One unit is 53.3 ms (Firmware version 1.x)
01 = 1 * 53.3 = 53.3 ms
FF = 255 * 53.3 = 13.6 sec
One unit is 100 ms (Firmware version 2.x)
01 = 1 * 100 = 100 ms
FF = 255 * 100 = 25.5 sec


Safety value of analog output when host is failure.


Safety value of analog output for port A, B, C and D
when host is failure. (3-character)
