Elenco Snap Circuits SnapMicro ® I Standard User Manual

Page 78

background image


Expanded start of a clap. Data points highlighted by clicking “pencil” button.


–1 = 0, +1 = 255, and 0.0 = 127 then the dots below the –0.3 red line and the dots above the 0.3 red

line show digital data points for loud sharp sounds that are less than 88 or greater than 166. This data
can be used to detect the start of a clap sound.
After .2 seconds or 200 milliseconds all the data should be between the two center purple lines as
shown by the dots at the beginning of the curve. This data can be used to detect the end of a clap
sound. Use the Audacity


program and the circuit from project 20 to verify these facts.
