Change in waveframe ufn generation, Punch in/out performance – Teac MMR-8 v3.0 User Manual

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TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 3.0 Owners Manual Update


Mount volumes not present at startup

Prior to Version 3.0, all SCSI volumes to be used had to be present when the MMR/MMP booted
or they could not be recognized by the system. This has now changed so that SCSI devices which
may have been powered off or otherwise not present when the system was booted will be re-polled
and mounted even if they are added after the system is in operation. This applies especially to the
internal Kingston drive enclosure in the MMR/MMP unit. It is no longer necessary for a drive to
be present in the Kingston drive bay when the system is booted. A drive can be plugged in to the
Kingston bay and spun up after system boot up and it will be recognized by the system.

It is not a good idea to plug SCSI devices into the SCSI port on the back of the MMR while the
drive or the MMR/MMP system is on. This is true of any computer and any SCSI device. SCSI
Devices which are physically attached but not powered on or external Kingston or other removable
carriers which have no drive currently in place when the system boots will now be able to have
their volumes mounted once they are powered on and a drive is present.

No performance loss after spin down/spin up

An intermittent problem in previous software versions would sometimes result in a noticeable loss
of drive performance after a drive had been spun down and then spun back up, or a new drive
volume mounted. In Version 3.0 this can no longer occur, and spinning a drive down or changing
drives in the removable Kingston drive bay causes no degradation of performance.

Performance improvements

Version 3.0 provides a general increase in SCSI performance. This is especially noticeable for
slower media such as Magneto-Optical drives, and for 16 channel 24-bit performance on the
MMP-16 or other types of very high bandwidth demand uses which can stress the system.

Change in WaveFrame UFN Generation

Unique File Number generation for WaveFrame audio files has been changed to include the unit
serial number as part of the UFN generation. This makes it impossible for files created on different
machines at precisely the same instant to have the same UFN. A second change is that the
WaveFrame UFN is retained for sound files copied as part of a WaveFrame project Backup.

Punch In/Out Performance

The response time of the MMR/MMP system to a manual punch in/out command has been
substantially improved in Version 3.0. Programmed punches (using the Loop Record function or a
programmed punch from a Lynx KCU or Serial edit controller) are frame and sample accurate,
with a delay of 3 frames (100ms).

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