Verilink 1558A (34-00228) Product Manual User Manual

Page 31

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1558A APS


LAPS Operation

eters. If the screen is exited with a <N> response, reentering
the Configuration Screen will show that all fields have been
returned to their previous values.

Configuration Screen fields have the following functions:

Shelf/Position: Defines the circuit that is being configured.
This field may be changed by typing a new value or by
incrementing or decremented it with the <page down> and
<page up> keys, respectively.

Net End: Defines which end of the circuit is being config-
ured or viewed. The choices are: Near / Far (Far only avail-
able if 1558A is a Master)

Service Status: Indicates the service status of the circuit.
This field also determines if the remainder of the fields in
this screen can be changed or only viewed. The following
selections may be made for this field:

In Service: The circuit is currently in service and all
alarm and Call on Alarm features are functional. No con-
figuration parameters can be altered for a circuit that is in

Out Service: The circuit is not currently in service.
Alarms will function but the LAPS will not show the cir-
cuit on the Circuits In Alarm display. Also, if the optional
1559 site manager is installed, the 1559 will not initiate a
Call on Alarm. All other fields may be altered as
described in the following paragraphs.

Unused: The circuit is no longer defined.

Revision: This field displays the hardware and software
revision for this particular unit.

Circuit A: This field displays the descriptive name of Line
A of the pair of T1 lines connected to the 1558A.

Circuit B: This field displays the descriptive name of Line
B of the pair of T1 lines connected to the APS.

Errored Seconds: This field is used to define the Errored
Seconds threshold for an APS service (as specified in
AT&T TR54017). The value may be set from 0 to 900.

Consecutive SES: This field is used to define the Consecu-
tive Severely Errored Seconds threshold for an APS service
(as specified in AT&T TR54017). The value may be set
from to 0 to 900.

Line Avail. Timer: This field sets the time interval for
which each path’s Line Activity Timer remains active. The
value can be set from 0 to 900 seconds.

LOS State: This field determines if the circuit’s APS will
alarm on Loss of Signal error state. If On is selected, the
1558A will alarm immediately on LOS. The choices are:
Off / On.

LOF State: This field determines if the circuit’s APS will
alarm on Loss of Frame error state. If On is selected, the
1558A will alarm immediately on LOF. The choices are:
Off / On.

Revert: If this field is set to On, the 1558A will always
restore the APS service back to the NET A path when the
NET A path meets the following criteria; (1) no alarm con-
ditions are active on the NET A path, and (2) the Line Avail-
ability timer setting has expired (0 to 900 seconds, user
definable). The REVERT field can be set to either ON or

TxPORT 1559 APS Manager

Date: MM/DD/YY


Time: HH:MM:SS
Ver. X.XX

-------------------------------- Configuration


Shelf/Position: [1.01] Circuit A: HICAP 1234
Net End: [NEAR] Circuit B: HICAP 5678
Service Status: [In Service]
Revision: [x.xx/x.xx]

------------------------------------ Actual


Errored Seconds: 20
Consecutive SES: 2 DTE Framing: ESF
Line Avail. Timer: 60 Eq. Side Linecode: AMI
LOS State: ON Fac. Side A Linecode: AMI
LOF State: ON Fac. Side B Linecode: AMI
Revert: OFF
CRC, Fac. to Eq: Pass A: LBO Level (0 db)
CRC, Eq. to Fac: Pass B: LBO Level (0 db)
Data Link, Fac. to Eq: Block Eq: DSX Level (0 - 133)
Data Link, Eq. to Fac: Block Boot from: ROM

----------------------------------- Messages




Screen 4-7

