Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

Page 25

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W ireless L AN AP Configuration

Key 1 -

Key 4

The WEP keys are us ed to encr ypt data
transmit ted in t he wireless net wor k. Fill the t ext
box by following t he r ules below.
64-bit WEP: input 10-digit Hex values (in t he
“A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” range) or 5-digit ASCII
charact er as t he encr yption keys.
128-bit WEP: i nput 26-digit Hex values (in the
“A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” range) or 13-digit ASCII
charact ers as t he encr yption keys.


Select one of t he f our keys t o encrypt your
dat a. O nly the key you selec t it in the “Def ault
key” will take effec t.

Click Appl y butt on at the bottom of the screen t o save t he
above configurations. You can now configure other advanc e
sections or st art using t he Access Point.

IEEE 802.1x is an authentication protoc ol. Every user mus t
use a valid account to login to this Access Point before
accessing the wireless LAN. T he aut henticati on is process ed
by a RADIU S ser ver. You can us e an exter nal RADIUS s er ver
or use the RADIUS s erver built-in wit h t he Access Point. This
mode onl y aut henticat es us er by IEEE 802. 1x, but it does not
encr yption t he data during communic ation.


This manual is related to the following products: