1 getti ng st arted – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

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W ireless L AN AP Configuration

C h apt er 3

W ir el ess L AN AP C onf ig ur ati on

3. 1 G et t i n g St ar t ed

This Access Point provi des web-bas ed configuration tool
allowing you t o c onfigure fr om wired or wireless st ations.
Follow the instructi ons below to get start ed c onfiguration.

From W ired Station
1. Make sure your wired station is i n t he s ame s ubnet wit h

the Access Point.
The def ault I P Address and Sub Mas k of t he Access Point

Default IP Address: 192.168. 2.1
Default Subnet: 255.255. 255.0

Configure your PC to be in the same subnet with the
Access Point.

1a) W indows 95/ 98/Me

1. Click the St art butt on and sel ect Setti ngs, then clic k

Control Panel. The Control Panel wi ndow will appear.

2. Double-clic k Network ic on. T he N etwork window will


3. Chec k your list of Network Components . If TCP/IP is not

installed, click the Add but ton t o inst all it now. If TCP/IP is
installed, go t o step 6.

4. In the Network Component Ty pe dialog box, s elect

Protoc ol and clic k Add but ton.

5. In the Select Network Protoc ol dial og box, selec t

Microsoft and TCP/ IP and then click the OK button t o
start inst alling the TCP/IP prot ocol. You may need your
Windows CD to c omplet e t he i nstallati on.

6. After ins talling TCP/IP, go bac k t o t he Network dial og

box. Selec t TCP/I P from t he list of Network
and t hen click the Pr operti es butt on.


This manual is related to the following products: