Chapter 4. troubleshooting – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

Page 43

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C h apt er 4

T ro ub l esh oot in g

This chapter provides solutions to probl ems usually
encount ered during the i nstallation and oper ation of the
Access Point.


How to manu all y find your PC’s I P and M AC

In Wi ndows , open the Command Prompt program

2) Type

Ip config /all and Enter


Your PC’s I P address is the one entitled IP



Your PC’s MAC Addr ess is the one entitled

Ph ysi cal Addr ess


What is BSS ID?
A group of wireless st ations and an Acc ess Point
compose a Basic Ser vice Set (BSS). Comput ers in a
BSS mus t be configured wit h t he s ame BSSID.


What is ESSID?
An I nfrastruc ture c onfigurati on c oul d also support
roaming c apability for mobile wor kers. M ore t han one
BSS c an be c onfigured as an Ext ended Servic e Set
(ESS). Users within an ESS could roam freel y between
BSSs while maint aining a c ontinuous c onnecti on to t he
wireless net wor k s tations and the Wireless LAN Acc ess


Can data be intercepted whil e tran smitting through
the air?
WLAN features two-fold prot ection in s ecurit y. On the
hardware side, as wit h Direct Sequenc e Spread
Spectr um tec hnol ogy, it has t he i nher ent scr ambling
securit y feat ure. O n t he s oft war e side, t he WLAN series
offers t he encr yption function (WEP) to enhance
securit y and access



This manual is related to the following products: