Yaskawa Remote Display Controller LAN Node PCB for use with Microtrac DSD LAN User Manual

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detailed help information about that mode of

operation. Pressing HELP while in a help

mode will give general help information.

The help information is displayed as

scrolling messages on the bottom line of the

PCDU. The information is scrolled one

sentence at a time. The top line of the PCDU

shows some of the keys that may be pressed.

Press INC or DEC to increase or decrease the

scrolling rate of the text. Press <— to go to

the start of the sentence. Press —> to

proceed with the text scrolling. Press ESC to

return the PCDU to normal operation. Press

MON to view the default lock states and menu

items. Press PRM to view or modify the active

lock states and menu items. Press TST to

enter a view only hex monitor.

Viewing Default Menu Items and Lock States


Pressing the MON key will put the

PCDU into the MON mode. The MON mode is

used to view the default lock states and menu

items. The default lock states and menu

items are those that were received from the

drives. These items may not be changed.

The top line of the PCDU display will show

the following:


The “D” on the top line shows that the

data being viewed is the Default data. The

number following “RDU:” (“XX”) is the

selected display number. The number

following “ITEM:” (“YY”) is the selected item


Item number 0 will show the default

lock state (“Locked” or “Unlocked”) for the

selected RDU on the bottom line of the PCDU.

Item numbers above 0 will show the default

menu item data for the selected RDU on the

bottom line of the PCDU as follows:


where WW = Drive #

XXX = Channel #

YYY = Subchannel #

Z = Decimal position

Menu item data consists of Drive

(“D”), Channel (“C”), Subchannel (“S”), and

decimal position (“.”). The Drive, Channel,

and Subchannel define where the menu

item gets its data when selected. The

decimal position is the number of digits that

will appear to the right of the decimal when

displaying the menu item data.

The bottom line will be blank while

building a number to make a selection. The

bottom line will show “Not in use” when the

selected menu item has no data.

The character(s) that are blinking

identify the field that will be modified upon a

keypress entry. The INC, DEC, 0 through 9,

and CLR keys may be used to modify an

existing number. The ENT or —> keys will

accept the number that was entered and

advance to the next field. The <— key will

allow the previous field to be modified. The

ESC key will abort what is being done and

back up one step. The HELP key may be

pressed to get help about the MON mode.

View/Edit Active Menu Items and Active

Lock States (PRM)

Pressing the PRM key will put the

PCDU into the PRM mode. The PRM mode

is used to view or modify the active lock

states and menu items. The active lock

states and menu items are those that will be

used for the displays. The top line of the

PCDU display will show the following:


The character on the top line (“W”)

shows where the data being viewed came

from. “D” will appear if the active data is the

original default data. “C” will appear if the

active data has been entered from the

PCDU. The number following “RDU:” (“XX”)

is the selected display number. The number

following “ITEM:” (“YY”) is the selected item


RD 790-20
